Heres a c/p by mondoman22;
The Mondovision Superduty II OTA Antenna
This is what i used
2 10 ft lengths of 3/4 pvc
4 3/4 Pvc Tee's
1 3/4 by 3/4 by 1 inch pvc tee
4 3/4 pvc elbows
1 4 ft by 4 ft Galvanized Wire Fencing
4 3/16 by 3 inch machine screws
24 3/16 flat washers
10 ft of tstat wire
25 Zip ties
12 coat hangers
14 5/16 Bit point sheet metal screws
14 3/16 cap washers
1 Can Pvc Glue
1 5 ft length of 1 inch pvc
2 5 ft 1 by 2 sticks of wood
1 300 ohm to 75 ohm transformer.
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This antenna over my regular antenna picks up my stations with 90 % signal
quality it is made of outdoor materials that will not break down... It is simple
to build and works great. The Bonus for this is you can sniff the glue and
get high while you are building it!!!!!!! "Kidding Just Kidding!"
Anyways it is a no brainer and easy to make Just look at the photos and
you can see how easy it is... Just remember to use a matching transformer
300 to 75 ohm. You can separate the Antenna sections and give each one
a 300 to 75 ohm transformer and then use an Antenna Combiner which will
allow a 2 cable to 1 cable setup...
Ok now don't laugh at my Modern Art.. My Daughters words were Geeze
that damn thing looks Ghetto... I told her You have your locals right?
She said yes I told her SHUT UP... Anyways heh... Here it is
Remember when building this thing sand the ends of the coat hangers
where the screws and washers attach them to the 1 by 2 So it gets a
good connection... The actual coat hangers i used from the screw to
the tip is 10 inches.... Keep them even and make sure they stay within
the Pvc Frame...
The 1 by 3/4 by 3/4 tee was used at the base so It isn't flimsy and
can support the antenna I Attached it above my existing antenna
and clamped it to the pipe with muffler clamps... It works Excellent
One thing is for sure My Neighbors think i work for the Cia as I got
quite the Eyeball from Passing Motorists.. Anyways Hope you get one
together to supplement your Fta Equipment!!!
Thought that would be a nice add on