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 Post Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 2:19 pm 
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Daunting challenges” facing TV industry

The MPEG Industry Forum (MPEGIF), who claims to be the world’s largest advocacy group for standard’s based digital television technologies, is predicting the coming twelve months as very likely to be testing for the TV industry.

For many years, suggests MPEGIF, competition for subscribers revolved around content, while the network architecture remained relatively stable. Yet the forum believes that the continued adoption of VOD, HD, Start Over and other time shifted applications, plus the imminent mass roll out of 3D, have placed even more pressures on the industry. It says that every year there is something new to contemplate and for which to potentially plan.

“2011 will be a challenging year for the development of television,” explained David Price, Vice President of MPEGIF and Vice President at Harmonic. “While conventional consumption will remain prevalent, the increasing availability of broadband will enable new distribution models. But how they will be controlled and monetized is still in a chaotic state.”

And though such challenges may indeed be daunting, said the forum, work would continue to provide a solution. Added Prof. Dr. h. c. Sebastian Moeritz, President of MPEGIF and Professor at the St. Petersburg State University for Film and Television: “Our industry has seen some quite remarkable evolution in the first decade of this millennium from a single screen proposition to a multi-screen landscape delivering content to virtually any place at any time. MPEG Standards were, are and always will be the guarantors of progress for advanced television technologies.”

The forum say that it will be taking advantage of this year’s IBC to bring clarity to the industry’s vision of the future and to advocate for the adoption of standards that accelerate that clarity. It believes that this year at IBC the task has become more important than ever as new technologies create new opportunities to make (or lose) money.

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