
Harbinger’s Falcone Developing Highway in the Sky
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Author:  Prodigy [ Sun Oct 03, 2010 12:21 am ]
Post subject:  Harbinger’s Falcone Developing Highway in the Sky

Harbinger’s Falcone Developing Highway in the Sky
October 2, 2010 at 9:00 am

NY-based Harbinger Capital Partners’ investment manager Phil Falcone is taking a risk, developing a cheap satellite-based Internet service that can be described as a kind of highway in the sky. According to Forbes, Falcone intends to buy expensive spectrum and put it to work on a 4G network, created from scratch, using satellites and thousands of as yet built transmission towers.

Critics say that Falcone is underfunding his dream and is late in the game. Falcone counters that he knows how to deploy capital. His company has picked up undervalued and distressed telecom companies, and recently Harbinger raised $3 billion for a Reston VA. telecom company called LightSquared that controls a few satellites and has FCC approval to lease 1.6 GHz spectrum.

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