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FTA-N-More.Net :: View topic - Dish Network v. Ramkissoon (NY Eastern District Court)

Dish Network v. Ramkissoon (NY Eastern District Court)
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Author:  A_Z_A [ Sat Aug 14, 2010 3:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Dish Network v. Ramkissoon (NY Eastern District Court)

Dish Network v. Munid Ramkissoon and Ootra Ramkissoon
(NY Eastern District Court)

Dish Network's Notice of Motion and Motion to Compel Third-Party Cablevision Systems Corp. to Produce Documents in Response to Subpoena


GIVEN that Plaintiffs DISH Network L.L.C., EchoStar Technologies L.L.C., and Nagrastar LLC {collectively, "Plaintiffs") will and hereby do move the Court for an Order compelling Cablevision Systems Corp. d/b/a Optimum ("Cablevision"), to produce documents responsive to the subpoena served upon them by Plaintiffs.

Plaintiffs' propounded several interrogatories on Defendants concerning communications between Defendants and Ravindranauth Ramkissoon. In response, Defendants admit to communicating with Ravindranauth Ramkissoon via telephone and text about the lawsuits brought by Plaintiffs, but claim such communications were infrequent and brief.

Defendants provide no specifics about the issues discussed. During the parties July 14, 2010 status conference with the Court, Defendants' counsel admitted that Defendants have maintained their cable television service in addition to their D*SH Network account.

On July 15, 2010, Plaintiffs subpoenaed Defendants' telephone and cable provider, Cablevision Systems Corp. d/b/a Optimum, for documents relating to Defendants' telephone and cable records. On July 20, 2010, Cablevision responded to Plaintiffs' sibpoena by letter stating that they are withholding the production of responsive documents pursuant to section 551 ( c ) ( 2 ) ( B ) of the Cable Communications Policy Act of 1984, until they receive a court order mandating such disclosure. Accordingly, Plaintiffs bring this Motion and request that the Court issue an order requiring production of the documents Plaintiffs subpoenaed from Cablevision. (Doc 1-main)

Dish Network L.L.C. et al v. Ramkissoon et al

Plaintiffs: Dish Network L.L.C., Echostar Technologies L.L.C. and NagraStar LLC
Defendants: Does 1-10, Munid Ramkissoon and Ootra Ramkissoon

Case Number: 1:2010mc00546
Filed: August 13, 2010

Court: New York Eastern District Court
Office: Brooklyn Office
Presiding Judge: Roslynn R. Mauskopf
Referring Judge: James Orenstein

Nature of Suit: Other - Other

Dish Network v. Ramkissoon (New Jersey)

Author:  A_Z_A [ Mon Aug 16, 2010 7:56 pm ]
Post subject:  There was court activity regarding this case today (08-16-20

Dish Network v. Munid Ramkissoon and Ootra Ramkissoon
(NY Eastern District Court)

There was court activity regarding this case today (08-16-2010), an "Order" was given, but the document is not available to view at the time of this post.

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