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FTA-N-More.Net :: View topic - B*ll E*pressVu v. Brent Frechette/Robert Hibbert

B*ll E*pressVu v. Brent Frechette/Robert Hibbert
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Author:  A_Z_A [ Mon Sep 06, 2010 3:11 am ]
Post subject:  B*ll E*pressVu v. Brent Frechette/Robert Hibbert

Here is an "active" case that up until now, (to my knowledge) has gone unnoticed. - AZA

B*ll E*pressVu v. Brent Frechette/Robert Hibbert (Hibbert's IKS Business)

B*ll E*pressVu v. Brent Frechette/Robert Hibbert
(Hibbert's IKS Business)

B*ll E*pressVu and N*graStar (Plaintiffs)


Brent Frechette and Robert Hibbert (Defendants)

Supreme Court of British Columbia

Defendant Brent Frechette was a subscriber of E*pressVu who assisted with. participated in, and facilitated the operation of one or more Internet Key Sharing ("IKS") servers, including the misuse of E*pressVu Access Cards and E*pressVu receivers.

Defendant Robert Gordon Michael Hibbert established and operated a computer server known as an IKS server that descrambled and distributed over the internet Control Words to permit an unlimited number of end-users to steal E*pressVu Programming, including through the unauthorized use of E*pressVu Access Cards, E*pressVu receivers, and N*graStar Conditional Access Technology.

Designed and developed nFusion-brand free-to-air receivers for use by end-users to steal E*pressVu Programming.

Programmed, sold, and distributed FTA receivers for use by end-users to steal E*pressVu Programming.

Obtained, possessed, provided, and distributed software components for use with nFusion-brand FTA receivers to permit them to steal E*pressVu Programmimg, with or without the use of IKS servers and assisted, aided, abetted, and facilitated other persons in the aforementioned activities to steal E*pressVu Programming, all of which activities were carried out without authorization from or payment to the Plaintiffs (collectively "Hibbert's IKS Business"). - (Doc 6 - Writ of Summons Statement of Claim -amends 1-12142009)

Doc 21 - Statement of Defence - 02192010.pdf [42.19 KiB]
Downloaded 3655 times
Doc 6 - Writ of Summons Statement of Claim -amends 1-12142009.zip [1.85 MiB]
Downloaded 3645 times
Doc 22 - Statement of Defence - 02192010.pdf [39.3 KiB]
Downloaded 3660 times

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