Pirate Party Strikes Hosting Deal With Wikileaks
During his visit to the the Swedish capital Stockholm, Wikileaks spokesman Julian Assange struck a deal with the local Pirate Party. The Party, which participates in the national elections next month, will host several new Wikileaks servers to protect the freedom of the press and help the whistleblower site to carry out its operation.
After releasing more than 90,000 government documents last month related to the war in Afghanistan, Wikileaks was labeled a serious threat by the U.S. Government. With more leaks coming up, Wikileaks can use all the support it can get, especially from political movements around the globe.
One of the political parties that has shown interest in helping Wikileaks is the Swedish Pirate Party. Two weeks ago they offered to host the whistleblower site, and during a visit to Sweden Wikileaks’ Julian Assange accepted this offer and signed a deal.
“I’m delighted that we’re able to help WikiLeaks,” Pirate Party leader Rick Falkvinge told us in a response to the news that was made public today.
“I love opportunities to demonstrate that one of the biggest differences between us and the other parties is that we positively leap at any and all changes to take real responsibility for changing the world, rather than just commission reports and avoiding blame like the archetypal politician,” Falkvinge added.
Assange and Falkvinge sign the hosting agreement
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For Wikileaks, support from the Swedish Pirate Party is a significant win. If the Party is voted into Parliament next month it could use Parliamentary immunity to run the site from inside the Swedish Government, making it impossible to take it offline through legal procedures.
“We welcome the help provided by the Pirate Party,” Wikileaks spokesman Julian Assange said commenting on the agreement. “Our organisations share many values and I am looking forward to future ways we can help each other improve the world.”
Aside from hosting, Assange also hopes that the new Swedish Parliament will assist the site in other ways. Passing legislation that guarantees press freedom so Wikileaks and similar operations can do their work freely, is high on his wish list.
“We hope that the new Parliament will give serious consideration to further strengthening Sweden’s press protection legislation. Western democracies are not always as free as one might think, and freedom of the press needs constant vigilance,” Assange said.
“In particular, we would welcome Sweden copying Iceland’s Modern Media Initiative, something that the Pirate Party also desires.”
Assange and Falkvinge shaking hands
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Pirate Party leader Falkvinge further stressed the importance of Wikileaks’ work, which has been sabotaged by corrupt or abusive organizations that try to conceal the truth from the public. “We desire to contribute to any effort that increases transparency and accountability of power in the world,” he said.
Assange on his turn recognized that his organization is fighting for much of the same ideals as the Pirate Party, and said that there might be more joint projects between the two outfits in the future. “We see more opportunities down the road in cooperating with the Pirate Party and look forward to exploring those options,” Assange noted.