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 Post Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 11:16 am 
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Joined: Thu Apr 15, 2010 6:36 pm
Posts: 664
Some time ago we talked about these cards, which is now manufactured by a subsidiary of Nagravision. Today it is news again because it has received certification from MasterCard. This shows that the card is durable, safe and meets ISO standards necessary for the introduction of these cards into the market. The cards are very reliable and very easy to use. Furthermore according to a press release issued today, they prove to be safe in the best position to perform banking transactions through one device. The Card uses passwords generation technology compatible with the requirements of 3D Chip Authentication (CAP) for MasterCard. The keyboard is sensitive to the touch and can access advanced digital signatures and other functions, such as challenge-response, and PIN protection.

"Nagra also known as NIDS, has been filed by a subsidiary of Kudelski Group, and announces the latest innovation in safety cards (Powered Display Card) 306 series based on a tactile keyboard (12 keys), which integrates a high protection to the system . From the keyboard in addition to changing the PIN it can perform various functions on security.

This card can function as access cards, as the password, PKI or dotNET Chip Card, eWallet pagos.La card. The card uses a revolutionary algorithm and the ISO 14443 Type B protocol .

NIDS 306 Cards can be printed with a hologram or logo of the company."

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