
Hulu to go international
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Author:  Prodigy [ Sun Jul 18, 2010 8:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Hulu to go international

We’ve heard it all before, but this time it looks for real: the US online catch-up TV service Hulu is to expand internationally. The News Corp, Walt Disney and NBC Universal-owned service has just launched its premium service Hulu Plus in the US and now wants to spread its wings.

With the premium service now in place, the time is ripe to export. According to reports, the international version of Hulu Plus looks set to be available on several platforms, including the iPhone, iPad, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. This would make Hulu a multiplatform service including a connected TV version.

Last year, Hulu was already reported to be ready to enter the UK market (see report in Broadband TV News), but the move never materialised, with UK broadcasters opting for their own solutions rather than licencing their material to a third party.
Meanwhile, the launch of Hulu Plus in the US has come under fire from consumers, who balk at paying a monthly subscription fee of just under $10 (€7.9) while still having to put up with commercial pre-rolls and ad breaks for TV series that are otherwise available free-to-air.

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